
Eh, most gun owners are pretty level headed*. Even if you were justified in shooting someone who had “kidnapped” you, you’re still gonna be wrapped up in court about it forever.

That story led to the all time best comment on these here forums.

Jason, your problem is that you’re American with tastes that skew toward the understated. You project yourself as sweet, quirky and intelligent. I’ve always assumed you moonlight in an alt-rock band that plays lots of ukulele heavy songs about tail light design.

Probably some good crossover with turn signal fetishists. 

This. I forced my wife to get a minivan (using logic and reason) and she agrees that it was one of the best vehicle purchases we’ve made.

so what I hear you sating is you are not capable of driving. Got it.

Don’t be the asshole who thinks “We want to kill Black people” and “We want civil rights” in any way accurately frames the political divide.

It’s interesting that the author of this piece thinks President Biden is a center-right politician, while I think President Biden has gone pretty far looney left. Maybe there’s something to this?

uh I wouldn’t call Joe Biden “center right” but you do you I guess

Both are well past their “glory days,” that’s for sure.

Bruce Springsteen and Jeep are both overrated.

Hold on a’re talking about a few THOUSAND complete idiots as one “side” in our two-party system??? Trump got 74,200,000 votes. Also, keep in mind that everyone voted BEFORE the capitol riot. VERY FEW Republicans support what happened in D.C., Qanon, or any of that stupid shit.

So do people think that comparing the 46% of Americans who voted for the Republican to Hitler/Third Reich is going to “unify” this country? I’ve been hearing quite a few yell “unity” and then say they want to deprogram all Trump voters. Just be honest that you want a political war and stop this disingenuous call for

Career design engineer here. A Japanese engineer asks: "Is it simple and reliable?" An american engineer asks: "is it cheap?"  A German engineer asks: " is it cool?". German engineers are great at designing something that lasts through the warranty period. Because the person buying the used car doesn't make them money.

This just in: water is wet.

GM would have been better off if their entire multi-brand identity had died in the 80s. There’s too much overlap between brands still, even after they killed Pontiac, Olds, and Saturn. They need to be like Toyota+Lexus: base brand + luxury brand. *maybe* there’s room for GMC as a separate truck brand.

“Hurts my brain” in a title actually hurts my brain.

Swapping over that interior sure was a mistake, so ugly in there.

Commie seatbelts can’t hold back the 80's!