
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, they need to implement auto headlights like were on my 2008 Malibu and other cars at the time. Auto is the default, the selector is either auto or on, so when you turn the car on they’re always activated. If for some reason you want to turn them off you can select off but

If often absolutely is, especially in Philly, NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.

I wasn’t aware that rolling a stop sign was a life saving maneuver lol 

Exactly, the problem with this Socialist way of thinking is usually everyone ends up with the lowest common denominator, inhibits competition, and eventually leads to the collapse of innovation.

Just think, Musk would still be producing EV’s with borrowed Lotus chassis and off the shelf components instead of creating

what I want in my car is a dumb display and a bluetooth speaker system.

I’ll bring my own computation thank you very much.


I have been vaccinated. Covid isn’t going anywhere. It is endemic. I will not wear a mask forever for a disease that will be little more than an annoyance to how I feel every year. Vaccinated people will most likely get Covid every year going forward, masked or not, and will feel just like they do with the yearly

Honestly... with vaccines... boosters, and some damn good policies for treating COVID.... Can we just please be done with mask mandates?

What did you expect from a moron who paid 30k for a hyundai genesis?
He’s probably a young tiktok douche who was planning on modifying it fast and furiously.

I don’t understand the hate for vehicles with an older chassis. If it still performs it intent then it is fine. The GTR and Charger are good examples of this. They don’t sell enough maybe to justify a new platform but sell enough to keep around.

Anything labeled as sport(y) and has a CVT as a transmission. This is old moped technology. Yes I’m looking at all of your vehicles Nissan and some of the Subaru’s....

The Ford Ecosport is a bad vehicle in every conceivable way and should Ford should be ashamed for still selling it in this market. 

I can’t believe the 90s Accord is on here. Not sure what the deal with your one example, but these things are STILL on the road. I legit see 5 or 6 5th gen Accords every day of the week in 2021.

“The ten least durable cars ever made”, featuring one of the most durable cars ever made.

They probably don’t care because they don’t have to. People will line out the door to buy these regardless of build quality - the fanbase is the same type of image-focused people who line up to buy the new iPhone every year. I suspect Tesla would make more of an effort if their build quality started to affect sales.

I just bought a leaf blower this weekend.

Sincere question: How is something somewhat better than an immediate 10 percent raise and an $8,500 ratification bonus, plus 5 percent raises in 2023 and 2025, a big loss?

now if only I can fix my tractor...

Learns driver survived that wreck, starts shopping Altimas.
See Altimas.
Accepts death.

Reading comprehension for the loss, eh?