
My favorite part might be the very vocal peanut gallery

For those wondering what a choc-top is, it's this:

She was originally going to go with Summer Eve, but decided that would be too douchey...

Did you just call that black guy an ape?

Time for a Kickstarter to raise insane amounts of money for them!

small quibble, "road rage" implies losing it over some trivial driving faux pas. Someone rear-ending you at a stop light is grounds for maximum apeshit fury.

Turns out she lost a child fairly recently, and that van was the family's sole mode of transportation. So you can understand her anger.

I think Amy Schumer is really funny so I'm going to reserve judgement on this.

I'd be happy to lose your follow


I am just genuinely sad. Jon Stewart has been such an incredibly influential, kind, smart and vital voice in my lifetime. His presence at The Daily Show will be sorely missed.

I'm bereft. Don't go, Jon! Especially not before the 2016 election! First Colbert, now you! THIS IS THE DARKEST TIME LINE. You are not allowed to define what a slur means unless you are the object of that slur. And even then, it's a slippery slope. Please stop.

Oh my god, seriously. Just because she also hates Iggy Azalea doesn't mean she's awesome. The enemy of my enemy is sometimes still just a huge fucking douchebag.

Hi, can people stop defending Azealia Banks NOW?

Sometimes they gain or lose weight and possibly pro-create with other quasi-famous people.

In five years or so, Perry and Swift are going to finally realize that they are actually in love with each other, get married, and live happily ever after. And they'll get matching restraining orders against Mayer as wedding presents to each other. Calling it now.

Ugh, this Jenner story is so triggering. My mother's killer (19 year old, speeding and texting, hit her head on) was just sentenced on Wednesday. A couple of fines and three years probation for hitting her car so hard that her steering wheel bent around her after it went through her and into her seat back. But he's

As a women's studies major who specialized in social movements I am beyond ashamed I didn't know this. I wholeheartedly agree with Squire's analysis, too often women, especially women of color are overlooked by history and its victors