

The last sentence of his quote was about how he’d grown up and learned that lesson. I’m not defending a dude with his dick out to everyone at work, that’s awful, and it’s toooootally bc he’s white. But I think the fact he can tell the story and draw the best conclusion from it (don’t take your dick out, weirdo) is a


You won’t pay interest if you pay off your card each month and you could earn extra money in the form of points by using a card (responsibly!).

Oddly enough?? You are so clueless, friend. Isn’t it nice for you that you had the time and stamina to hit the gym just when your wife’s body was turning on her in ways she most likely didn’t expect? I’m sure it was great for you that you weren’t nauseous and exhausted from carrying another human person in your


Idk, ppl on Tv are always made up. They powder men’s bald spots all the time, it’s sort of the nature of the beast. All of TV is “looks-based...” Does that make any sense? Maybe it’s a slippery slope but having to out on make-up and be on TV is a lot of people’s jobs.

My son did a national commercial and we got one big check and then that was it bc it fell out of rotation on the TV? Idk how it really works, either, but he spent a few hours in a bounce house, running around a big yard. He would totally do that again!

This whole article, I was thinking, did I miss an episode of The Sopranos??

She’s such an addict, though...I wonder how much of what she’s said in previous years still resonates as true for her now. She’s been addicted to drugs a lot, that’s obvious.

I really thought they were on their knees. I was like, why are they kneeling? But, no, they are that tiny.

Mae Whitman’s post has to be to the tune of “Where have all the flowers gone.”

I think you’re jealous she can do the world good and you can be a bitter internet commenter. #kimkardiashiankillsit #reclaimingKKK

I can’t count how many times I’ve vented about my son (4yrs) and reaction was way out of proportion to the actual thing I was venting about.. I was trying to be funny and hyperbolic and now there are some ppl who think my child is a sociopath. Oops! Context is everything, for real.

I def think she can relate meaningful to others at 4yrs! Family, yes, fish? Guess not, lol! Will you replace the fish?

I think it’s a joke bc she has no spare time ...get it?

I’m glad the set of Scream got another play

He was embarrassed! Ppl make all sorts of bad decisions when they feel bad about any part of their lives and now he has this to feel embarrassed about? I thought his mea culpa was genuine and, whatever, I hope we get off his jock about it.

LOL I swear there were no responses yet when I wrote mine! KIIIIINJAAAA!!!

That’s Tavi Genvinson!