
haha and she’s all, “bitch, just accept it.”


I was just on Main Street in Santa Monica (bougie shopping) and stores have signs out that say "Check out our Coachella rack!" Like, you can just go in and buy all the shit that everyone else is already wearing. Bless.

Yeah, I’ve been reading Jez since 200nevermind and knew him as Ubertrout. He’s always been a bonehead.

My husband just landed his dream job and they are taking all the employees on a spa retreat.. woohoo! but now that means I have to buy a real bathing suit. I’ve been wearing board shorts for a couple of years because, dude, I gotta run after my 4 yr old who has a death wish around the ocean. Kid would drown so fast. I

Kind of pretty and better than bindis!

Performers perform bfd

She’s just trying to be funny for her friends.

yeah...the one thing that annoys me about my kindle is not being able to thumb back through the book, so it makes sense.

I’ve read that, too, but does that include e-readers?? I thought that meant, like, computer screens. I read my kindle the exact same way I read a normal book except pages don’t keep falling in on me plus I can read erotica at the airport without judgment!

Well, he is on TV talking about this AGAIN and they host “Hot for Teacher” nites in Seattle so, basically, he’s trading in on this story in the same way that Letourneau is always trying to rehab her image. IDK these ppl are all damaged at this point, include Walters.

I would hesitate to imply that *anything* is child abuse. Just assume that everyone you are friends with is doing the best they can, even if they choose to leave their baby alone in the room for 12 hours. You do not have to make the same choices about anything but it doesn’t mean they’re wrong or abusive.

I think the bigger point is that California should care more about California then to let a company drain a resource for profit.

Dude, punch UP.

"Single woman seeking single man who doesn't like getting head but loves to give it" doesn't sound selfish, it sounds particular. YOU think she sounds selfish but someone else will think she sounds hot. And there are people who are into BDSM who are not sadists outside the bedroom so, still, it's not the same at all.

But my point is that there are plenty of people out there for whom this demand is not out of the realm of possibility. I get the idea that YOU would not be in this kind of relationship but that doesn't mean you speak for all mankind. There are multiple ways of being. False equivalency with the cooking thing so I'm not

That's crazy, she can make whatever demands she wants and she will mostly likely see her demands met (she's been doing just that with her current fuck buddy, so..) We all have the right to demand what we want from our relationships and it doesn't make anyone a shitty person! You just have to find the ppl who are

LOL she can't sit on a FAKE throne?? it's a chair crissakes ppl

Totally agreed that he was sincere. I know ppl who know ppl who know him and word is, he's a good guy.