
I understand that having your hair short would make it easier to comb and cover with a wig, I get that. My point is that when I see women with natural 4c hair, it's usually very short and I'm wondering if that might be a consequence of so little media presentation.

That doesn't track for me. So many actresses would have shaved heads if that were the reason.

I wonder if that's why famous women with 4c hair often have it very short? (Lupita Nyong'o comes to mind.)

It's a blog, dude, that's kind of how it works

I'm not the one who is sensitive. Obviously, Jill is since she ended the call at the vaguest hint of a come on. I'm just respecting the boundaries she clearly stated when she said it was not that kind of call.

Huh? Look at me replying to a weirdo on the internet, what 6 yr old does that?

says the dude

This is not a big deal to you, maybe, but it can be a big deal to someone else. Thanks for the graphic imagery, btw. How about a trigger warning next time?

This is exactly what I thought when I read the list. I feel like anti-vaxxers are dangerous but cry-it-outers? What you do in your home to get through bedtime is none of my business.

I sort of see what you're saying but just bc I was beaten as a kid doesn't mean it's at all understandable to beat my own kid now that I'm an adult. Sure, anyone can be a victim and a perpetrator but, at 17, Lugo is legally and emotionally a child and is not subject to same kind of judgment as a criminal adult.

My logic did apply to Steubenville: Richmond and Mays were convicted in *juvenile* court.

Not to diminish Lugo's role in this but he is not an adult and seems to be more of a victim, less of an accomplice.

Jasmine from So You Think You Can Dance! Get it, girl. This is the best video ever forever.

oh man, if i had money all the stupid shit i would pay for

Kind of on the nose, though, right? It's the name of the album.

Did you notice picture of the warrior?

Yes, exactly. You COULD beat the odds if you effectively changed them by increased participation but it takes so much work!

"they searched Tims and found the Rolex inside her vagina."

If you passed a guy jerking off a parking lot, would you call the police?

I know you mean well but...