

I thought Dr. Ruth was relentlessly sex positive. Why we gotta stay dressed? Seems off-brand. #FAKE

How about photoshopping? Is that too serious to talk about?


OR her dad is very, very funny.

We all know you will eat all your food before we get to it because munchies.

The last few days is the first time I have heard that ppl think it's rude to recline. Maybe I'm selfish but I always figured that I should take those 3 inches or whatever if it makes flying a teeny bit more comfortable...

I'd still fuck him. TRUTH BOMB

Truly terrible fucking luck.

"What is even happening with that woman on the bottom right?"

Your first paragraph is a weak slippery slope argument and there are lots of other ways to access information outside of social media. I am just as well-informed and connected in my community without a Facebook account.

Not to mention that LAUSD has a huge problem with profiling black kids all under the guise of a "zero-tolerance" policy. Time for *every* community to re-evaluate. cough#Fergusoncough

At the very least, Wilson knew Brown was unarmed and he shot him instead of calling for back-up or using his taser. Sure, Wilson was afraid for his life, I can sympathize, but isn't law enforcement trained for non-lethal force?

This is some fucking brave protesting. That shit is so scary.

Your first sentence implied there isn't empirical evidence that students are shitty with their social media. I really don't think it's a civil liberties issue to take away their access to social media while on campus. They'll survive and maybe get their news from Jon Stewart like the rest of us.

This age group hasn't shown the best judgement with their social media: a lot of college students are harassed, stalked, and otherwise hurt by their own Facebook, Twitter et al. accounts.

Idk, guys, I bet everyone will be happier. It's not so unlike offices that block access to the same sites, right?

look at all this chili


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