my worst Miss U.
my worst Miss U.
Early polls since the debate seem to reflect that fact, but my faith in this country has really been shaken at this point. That it’s even gotten this close in the first place horrifies me, so I won’t be optimistic until November 9th rolls around and we’re getting preparations underway to swear in President Clinton…
Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.
“We think you’re shittier than Florida” is about the strongest burn I’ve ever heard of.
This is so fucking unreal. Hillary has to prove beyond a doubt that she isn’t “broken,” while Obama faces two terms of people questioning his birthplace.
And fucking Trump won’t even release his tax forms, and he lies constantly.
I have yet to receive a satisfactory answer on what the theoretical endgame is of her alleged becoming-president-while-dying conspiracy.
I would really like to just fast forward 5 or 10 years so that I can get to the point when this shit starts being funny.
It’s really got to be hard to be your father’s second choice for a date.
fucked up
There is literally nothing more “for-show politics” than passing a completely unenforceable law targeting transgender people and the bathrooms they use in order to stir up your religious conservative voting base.
I just looked over the Deadspin front page and it doesn’t look like they cover football any more. Sorry.
Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?
Fallon is an idiot.
It’s all projection. He nearly shit his pants when she chastised him.
Ya, nervous like a rock.
+1 Smoke on the Water