I agree. You can argue it is unethical to hire contractors if you want, but having clear policies to treat them like contractors is not a bad thing in and of itself.
I agree. You can argue it is unethical to hire contractors if you want, but having clear policies to treat them like contractors is not a bad thing in and of itself.
I don’t understand the big deal. This is completely normal. If you start treating contractors like employees, then you are obligated to provide things like health insurance, disability, etc.
There’s no reason Dr. Doom can’t be just as good a main villain, if not better, than Thanos.
But I heard someone she went to school with said she was a bitch, so she’s obviously not a serious candidate.
Only for PS4.
I don’t understand how people keep doing this and not think about it might ruin their lives.
6. 1 a.m.
Calm yourself, Sarah - it’s just locker room talk.
Starred for “ofbecky.”
My detailed analysis is as follows: a bunch of fucking assholes bought the Newsweek brand, and put their fucking asshole editorial slant on it.
I am going to watch this in my living room by myself because I’m one of those kids from the 70s who was basically raised by Mister Rogers and I can’t imagine watching something like this around other people.
Most reasonable people like to see racist scum fail.
I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.
ESPN needs to boot Mark Jackson into the sun and give Doris the microphone.
This triggers the hell out all my nostalgia feels of growing up with the original Pooh tales from Disney. They’ve written Pooh himself so perfectly. “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
I’d like to take this moment to remind everyone that it all started going downhill for Boston when Lauren Theisen referred to them as the ‘Tics.
I’m sure the NRA and GOP will give her the customary 9 hour waiting period before they start calling her a triggered librul snowflake who hates America, and/or a plant that is part of a false flag operation run by the deep state and funded by George Soros.
In a restaurant full of people, he chose to publicly shame and threaten some people who spoke Spanish, and could have actually ruined their lives if he had followed through with calling ICE. And when this video came out, it became clear that he had done this type of stuff before. He isn’t a victim, and this sentiment…
Counterpoint: Public shaming may be the tool most appropriate to change not only his behavior, but that of the next racist.