Acute Angle-uh

Just to be a bit pedantic, anyone who is stupid enough to still believe in IQ as an accurate measure of intelligence is someone whose arguments I brush off pretty easily. IQ was a theory developed just in the nick of time to back up eugenics. I put on little lessons in multiple theories of intelligence  (and theories

It was the primary message in the Patrick Swayze tour de force Roadhouse.

You’re too kind.

“And will it also be OK if we sorta slip up and behave just a bit worse than just mildly offensive sometimes?” “OK, full disclosure, almost all of the time?” “Just askin’ for a friend.” LOL

Lord Brother Harriot, I don’t know how our brethren and sistren at The Root do anything but LAUGH all day at these mailbags. I am howling at this man who throws “75 IQ” around as if we didn’t just experience 8 years with two of the most educated presidents and first ladies America will EVER have. Black people have, I’m not going to dispute obvious facts: While the people of Kemet could have depicted themselves as something “multi-ethnic” due to the inclusion of other cultures from around the Mediterranean as you state, they always depicted themselves as what we now refer to as Black people. The Nubians were depicted

Guys like Greg Wright make me want to wrap my history degree in a rubber hose and beat him around the head with it.

What is this world coming to when a nice white person like me cant say even mildly offensive things about Black people even without being made to feel bad about it?? I just want to be able to say mildly offensive things about black people! Just mildly!! 🤣😂 haha

When is it that primitive, 75 IQ African Blacks were going to invent the iPhone, airplanes, computers, etc.? You should be thankful that you are in a position to enjoy the fruits of the brilliance of non-Blacks. You are just along for the ride and you think that you “built America.”

Apparently you either don’t know or don’t care that no one on the Confederate side was charges with treason for the very simple reason that there was not an oath taken to pledge allegiance to the U.S...

I used to teach my middle schoolers about the Universities in Kemet (Alexandria) and Timbuktu. And how the people of Kemet was just and extension of the people of Kush and others further north on the Nile (south on a map.) Then I would show evidence of the pyramids of varying designs there - that predate Kemet (Egypt)

Somebody that uses the term retardedness” ought not cast aspersion on another’s IQ.

That first letter was incredible.
“I’m not racist, you’re racist, now I’m casually dropping the hard r as a white man at a black man he’s telling is less than him.  I have no racist bone in my body.”

But that’s my point..

“Further to my point you do not understand that reverse racism does not exist.”

I also read the Judy Garland fan as queer. In the 50s and up through the 70s, gays referred to themselves as “Friends of Dorothy” as a code to identify one another among straight people. Finding someone who liked Judy Garland was great, but since she was a woman, there was the presssure to, ahem, “perform” later.

Angry Saxon should be jailed for all the white-on-word crime he committed in his missive.

Speaking of white, the music of Frankie Beverly & Maze should be the official soundtrack of the summer white know how we just love a color-coordinated party.  

“A very self-assured white person once tried to convince me that she had been invited to “the cookout” by citing that she loved “Frankie Beverly and the Maze.”

Vanilli, the light-skinned one if we take things literally, COULDN’T participate cuz he’s been dead for 20+ years.