Acute Angle-uh

Don’t every trust a university with “Christian” in its name. 

He’s been identified as Cedric Sunray. And it gets worse. He’s a White guy who’s been claiming he’s American Indian. 

Also, the Jesus described in the bible would be in the back of that line 😂

Sadly that is how some blacks also perceive ourselves. Let’s keep it real.

Most minor of points, but Oklahoma Christian is typically called “OC.” OCU is Oklahoma City University, a much better institution in literally every single way.

“I could already see through his BS basically,” Korey Todd said. “He was a white man.”

I can’t imagine letting that happen to my students and not stopping it. I wouldn't just leave and cry. 

““Teachers left,” Brown said. “They were crying and they were offended.”

If anything this is just a wake up call to how many white people perceive us, by categorization of darkest to lightest, kinkiest to 'good' hair. 

Yeah I don’t get that. As a literal adult in the room, be a fucking adult in the room and nip that shit in the bud. Send OCU dumbass packing right then. 

Disgusted, but hardly surprised. First clue: “Christian University.” Second clue: “Oklahoma.”

I’d be curious to see what schools this recruiter was at before,because I’d bet he’s already done this crap before-it’s just that this time,he got called out on it.

“I could already see through his BS basically,” Korey Todd said. “He was a white man.”

never send ur kids to a school with the words “charter,” or “christian,” as a part of their name

Mind you, there have been two recent reports of professors at the University of Oklahoma (not to be confused with Oklahoma Christian University... but still) coming under fire for either using the n-word or making ridiculous statements comparing its use to “Ok, boomer.”

I’m sure this racist mofo didn’t wait until meeting the students before saying something racist to the school BEFORE his experiment. White folks have to check other white folks right away when they hear racist verbiage. 

Your definition of “really well” is a bit more generous than mine.

You’re implying that she’s, not competent?

Hate the universe all you want, but vote for whoever the pick is so Mango Mussolini will get the boot and then various states(NYC will lead the charge) will indict him and his merry band of grifters.

You know, thank you.