Acute Angle-uh

I’m pretty sure they made this poster using Pimp My MySpace.

Megan has had one summer. The other three made more money on their collab than she has total.

“compelled speech.” that’s hilarious. This guy was given multiple choices. He could refer to the student using their preferred pronouns and titles. He could refer to all students using first names or last names. Instead he chose to be a jerk, and then when called out for it by his employer, tried to sue them and lost.

I have a 2 part question, A. the fuck you you smoking ? And B. can I has some???

When he took the job he agreed to abide by the school’s policies. He also agreed to their disciplinary procedures. If he doesn’t want to abide by those policies he needs to vacate that job. There are plenty of schools with policies he’d find more agreeable.

Probably in “two corinthians” somewhere...

Isn’t it reasonable though for a school to discipline a teacher who is making a learning environment uncomfortable for someone by not addressing them in the (reasonable) way they’ve asked? They weren’t like, “Call me Hitler!” or anything...

Some of these #Christians need a bit of the old WWJD treatment.

By that logic my boss is a fascist because he “forces” me to refer to our clients by their preferred names, whereas I think I should be able to call all my clients Mr. Tinkles Von Fuck Knuckle.

1. He wasn’t fired. He was disciplined.

They are just too theologically ignorant to understand that Yahweh... according to the Jewish Tanakh... was both male and female... which is why the name for his female aspect in Greek has long been “Sophia” which also means “Wisdom.”

Why don't people of color seem to understand that we have transcended race?  /s

A Mt Everest-sized irony!:

My Latinx co-worker says white people don’t want to be thought of as white, they want to be considered a neutral. Then he said, what is that stuff to fill in the cracks in the wall? I said, spackle? He said, yeah, like spackle.

The thing I’m most confused about is why these White people get so upset about being called White. Y’all are White. Heidi Klum IS a White woman lol. What is there to be offended by?

First off Fuck Heidi Klum. She is a talentless twat who’s main contribution to society was fucking Seal and produced two less melanin starved children in the world. I mean ask Brad what in the ever loving fuck has Heidi Klum contributed to the arts in this country? Please tell me. Gabrielle has been in film,

The title says “Go back to your county”, so I was a bit confused.

I have to admit, looking at the headline, “go back to your county” I was wondering if this was some microaggression reaction. Then I read they actually said, “go back to your country” in the article. ...and during Hispanic appreciation event!? What the hell is wrong with these people?

i hope you enjoy it.

i mean, a tyler perry movie is probably a pretty low bar and is more a 2 hour boredom killer. this is a movie, one with an actual plot and dialogue and a premise that isn’t rooted entirely in WTF. and my only critical standard isn’t how black it is, i also spoke to the plot and the conversations i think it will create