Lad called Pachy

Rick and Morty’s Szechuan sauce debacle is somehow still worse than all of these.

I think both “what if phones but too much” and “the people are broken, not the tech,” can be true at the same time. Your curmudgeonly uncle who says things like “People don’t just talk anymore, it’s all text text text” isn’t necessarily criticizing the technology. He’s criticizing how people interact with it. But it’s

He hates illegal immigrants (and, I’m sure, any immigrants whose skin is darker than his), AND Native Americans? Screw him.

Yeah I really can’t get behind a film that mostly only exists to exercise the filmmaker’s derision for his audience. It’s the movie version of a 40 year old guy who only dates 21 year old women and spends all his time lecturing them for being naive or ignorant.

The show pretty much squarely places the 99 as the only ‘good cops’ in all of NYC; pretty much anyone outside of the department is an asshole of some flavor, either climbing for more power and authority for its own sake or a self-aggrandizing dick, or just a full on racist. Peralta has gradually been getting more

Why would Diaz coming out as bi be a problem for the network when Holt being openly gay for five seasons is fine? Like, the “ehhhh, I dunno about LGBT content” ship for this show has hella sailed.

truly incredible collection of comedic talent

I think you hit the nail on the head - everyone wants characters to be totally heroic or villainous, but that’s not how this show rolls. Rose has always been shown to be a selfish person, always fascinated with the new thing and not always taking others’ feelings into consideration (as Pearl said in Mr Greg, “Rose

(Copy and pasting what I wrote at The Avocado. Uh, it’s a lot)

the fact that you refer to adults as “grown ups” reveals your true age. or at the very least your level of maturity. Get out of here kid.

I cannot in good conscience ever rank Reagan as better than Nixon.

The climax of the film (for me, at least) was that scene—Kumail’s parents confronting him and Kumail finally speaking his mind. As someone who immigrated to the US from India at an early age, I’ve received that spiel from my own parents countless times. Yet, I’ve never had the courage to respond the way Kumail does in

Seriously, though, what happened in the final season? Stop pulling my leg, you guys...

Hey, you try finding 5 years’ worth of connections!

Seriously, I’ve been trying to make bigger leaps lately, otherwise I end up circling back and doing a bunch of Roman history or serial killers in the same month.

“Even the sky looks Caucasian.”

I was on the fence about watching this (I love the cast, but the idea seems much more suited to a movie), but LaToya reviews have me on board.

Have you tried watching Steven Universe?

Hey, even movies like Black Panther need their Tolkien white characters.

He seems to be doing well for himself! Word through the grape vine is that he’s already been hired for and subsequently quit, multiple new shows!