
You could buy a lot more entertaining crap from ThinkGeek for $1500.

Considering this is a group of people who had to have the meaning of unanimous explained to them at least twice in relation to a pretty commonly known foundation of jury trials, I’m not as surprised as I would be.

Pence misuse of funds the other day with his whole NFL walk-out Is Grounds to ThRow THe Baby Out With The bath Water

I’m going to start saying “Live long and prosper” instead.

Maybe the trick is to convince Trump he is ONLY president of the US Virgin Islands.....

People have always disdained romance. I say “people” because a percentage of women do it as well to show they’re serious minded. And now we’re in a climate here knowing is not as important as assuming, so there is no shame in spouting off, and certainly no shame in being insulting.

She posed on Mitch McConnell?

What is Mel, I’m a fucking Catholic, Gibson hanging out in a stem cell clinic. I thought they were all dead set against this!

She’s donated after Harvey, water crisis in Flint, earthquake in Nepal, pretty sure she set up a Lemonade scholarship...

Did you see that pepto bismol pink monstrosity she wore while giving the speech about bullying? Good lord. She looked like she was going to a costume party dressed as the world’s unhappiest Peep.

There’s an old saying that goes “The person who wants the job least might be the best person for the job.”

I grew up in Italy and movies like this irk me soooo much. Oh, look at me, I’m a weird American in the middle of an existential crisis. But I’m in Japan, so poetic, so inspirational, shot of the lonely American in the subway, surrounded by millions of Japanese people. It’s the same with Eat, Pray, Love. I’ve never

This is unbelievably horrible. Actually, no. Given where we are as a country, it’s very believable. And that’s the worst part.

the faceless, nameless, civil servants who are quietly doing their damnedest to hold this government thing together while their bosses are trying everything in their power to fuck it up. i respect them.

And from the linked article:

So not only does Tamblyn’s description of the encounter ring true, she follows/juxtaposes it with this;

That you’re being stalked by a homeless guy and your friend can’t get to her car. Works really well for white women, and even if it doesn’t, an attempt to contact the authorities shows good faith in trying to avoid a conflict. But she had a gun and no one was going to tell her she couldn’t use it.

You’re already out of the grays so I guess I’ll respond. It’s abundantly clear that the commenters on this site find this situation absolutely tragic and have sympathy for Mr. Bolling’s loss. If you believe otherwise, you’re just seeing what you’d like to see.

If true (I’m not suggesting it isn’t) its sad that a show like Teen Mom was a deciding factor. Better sex education in schools needed... yesterday.

I’d really like to lay an obscenity laced screed on the assholes who thought “Teen Mom” is a good idea in any way, shape or form.