
There was that coal xmas thing a while back. Never understood how they thought it would be a good thing....

And they go postal when you point out to them that many of us can multitask - ie, think of more than one thing at a time....

They are pushing it already. Just google bat-shit-crazy bachmann’s take on it. As well as other repugs.

Sweet jeebus, is iwanka wearing a repurposed blanket?

“Relatively safe”

She’s lied through her teeth for years. She deserves every bit of shit she gets.

This isn’t just sad, it’s effing scary. I say let’s all request kobach’s info....

She seems fixated on the word “complicit”. One wonders why....

Maybe not at tweeting, but he’s a shitload better at governing and being human, for that matter, than 45.

This. While Twitter is helpful in a situation like this, it’s not the only thing out there. AND I don’t have a Twitter account because internet connection where I live is spotty, to put it mildly, and I don’t have a cellphone. No cellphone, no Twitter account.

Ah, so you’re one of the idiots on youtube doing this?

What pissed me off is when these first came out, all shiny and brightly colored, what did babies and toddlers do? Try to eat them, of course. But rather than do anything to make them less attractive, P&G put it all on the parents to keep their kids safe. Yo, dudes, it’s BOTH. Of course parents need to be vigilant

Ronan looks like she’s trying to be a super hero. Cruz looks like she’s dress in a couple of dead swans. Lupita can pull off just about anything. Kirby is trying to hypnotize everybody. Rudolph looks like she found a Gunne Sax dress in her mother’s closet. Gabriel’s plaid is VERY plaid. Nash is going to burst out of

One of our cats is food-fixated. But, thank gawd, he won’t eat poop.

Our dachshund wouldn’t eat dog poop, but LOVED rabbit pellets.

Our dachshund wouldn’t eat dog poop, but LOVED rabbit pellets.

Evil AND inept. Not a good combo.

Poor jules. No one likes you any more - except, maybe, pootin. Why don’t you cast yourself on his mercy and polonium tea.....

I worked as an observer on a Japanese fishing boat once. They made an incredible pollack roe and male gonad soup....

I’m afraid you’ve eaten at some really shitty Japanese restaurants, then. No snark, Japanese food usually goes for subtlety not over-the-top, in-your-face type food.