
Wow, $arah $uckabee’s ugly is really showing through.

And now they’re dragging Obama into it, investigating him. Good luck with that. Even if he did step beyond his bounds (which I really, truly, honestly don’t believe), he’s smart enough to cover his tracks.

And no one has denied saying what he said they did.

Some never grow out of it - see conjob, $arah $uckabee, crazy-eyes bachmann, Paylin, etc, etc, etc.

What a shitheel. Is he related to the two bozos who mooned in front of a temple in Thailand?

I would just like to point out that we don’t know what her field is. While I totally agree that she needs to get some form of employment while still looking for something in her field, if I had a degree in, say, marine paleo-ecology, I’d still be hopeful to find something - cuz I’d have to really love that field to

Gee, the only people who make me mad about how long to heat up the car were the idiots who parked near our house and warmed up their loud, smoking (not in a good way) pickup for 20 minutes before leaving. And leaving behind the damned exhaust which I could smell in our house.

But only after acquiring who knows what information on actual voters....

bernie supports this. I would *really* like to see the salaries of his women employees over the past 10+ years.

IMHO, the dress SUCKETH.

She’s never EVER had any taste in clothes. Weird, considering she was a model....

But... she’d just eat you. It’s all good with cats.

Or my cats?!!!1?

This is why I don’t tweet. Or FB. Or any of that crap.


No way, dude. PJ Tips roolz!

Wow, talk about throwing everything you can into the conversation to prove your point. How about saying something like, “Yeah, you have a point here.”

There is some species of spider (dunno which kind) which hatches out in early summer. The spiderlettes are about the size of a pinhead and clump together for 3-4 days. If you breathe on them, they all drop down on a thread, but then reclump. They are CUTE!

That would be one fat snake, but the cat/cucumber thing is hilarious.

Never had a snake show up, but rats used to pop up in our toilet when we lived near a river that the toilets in the neighborhood used to dump into.