
And you’re perfect, as is she.

Do you realize how many times you dissed yourself in one comment?

I have a difficult time with her partnership with Malwart AND her attitude. Both suck.


I’m glad you’re so forgiving.

“That said”


You love her all you want. The rest of us? Pfft.

If you don’t understand, you’re stupid. Really. I mean it.

She’s a twunt.

Our school keeps getting the “bibble” of Jeffs. If I could send it back to him in a condition that would give him herpes, HIV, chlamydia, hepatitis of various sorts, elephantitus, leprosy, dry mouth, fungus feet, etc, etc, etc, I would.

No, but ants don’t have the wherewithall to realize what’s going on to them. BIG difference.

I said that above, having not scrolled down to your comment yet.


You forgot spontaneous combustion.

Do I *really* need to be the nerd to point out that ants don’t have enough consciousness to suffer here?

I heard about this before, and it IS disturbing, but this?

Tiffany? I know very little about her.

Same here.

What a twunt.