

Gee, that sure lasted a long time.....

And according to Pat Robertson, the $$$$-crazed televangelist, it’s all the fault of anti-depressants, so even if it IS a mental health issue, we can’t try to address it, cuz rx’s cause mass murderers. Seems to be a Catch-22 here....

1. drumpster, your mental state ain’t so pretty itself.

And I think you’re hypocritical if you can blame one and excuse the other.

‘Actual evil done to actual women is not the same thing as bad, oppressive, useless satire.’

Japan is a very, very, VERY different culture than here.

I’m sorry you’re incapable of independent thought.

So it’s okay with you then. Got it. You’d better get a hilighter to mark all those great misogynistic scenes.

So it’s okay that they are marketing this as a memoir, but hey, it’s made up and NOT a *real* memoir and so you’re all hunky-dory with it?

Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

As they say, anything I said before “but” is a lie.

So you say they weren’t bribes. And of course, we all automatically believe you cuz you said it on the internets.

I am totally underwhelmed. Pfft.

Their lawyers, I’m sure.

Fuck those fuckers for destroying beauty from previous civilizations.

Honestly, I chalk some of it up to autofill - of which some is technology and some is human. Sometimes I “autofill” a word that I didn’t mean to but obviously am used to typing out.

I’m NOT saying I’m a genius or prescient, but when shrub invaded Iraq and did not pay attention to the recommendations of ... damnit, I wish I could find that report but I haven’t been able to - of some government people who looked at history and tried to warn him what very likely could/would happen. They were just

I’m sure he doesn’t realize who appropriate that photo is: a skeleton with an effing MAGA hat on....

Gee, I bet drumpster will dump arsenic levels for rice any moment now.....