
I hate circus peanuts.

It’s still more than you’ve done. And have you written some wonderfully witty books?

I mostly like them from the mystery point of view, but a guilty pleasure of mine is J. D. Robb (ie, Nora Roberts). She has managed to combine murders, sci-fi (set in the future), and romance nicely.

I always enjoyed reading Heyer’s romances - and she knew her stuff inside and out.

“Supportive” my derriere.

I’m sorry you don’t feel for the women.


Well, isn’t he a fuckwad.....

it’s for stupid people, that’s for damned sure.

it’s for stupid people, that’s for damned sure.

I had no idea he *had* another show on. Sorry, timmy, we’re just not that into you any more.

But she has kids. Maybe not as many as she’d like, but it’s not like she’s barren.

And they both are turning into UFO aliens....

She has kids already. How many does she need to feel “fulfilled”?

I just can’t..... but I never had a sister.


“Blue water”? A cenote?

Just looked up “mixiote”. DROOL!

Crap, I wanted to be an archeologist as a young kid, then switched to paleontology, then ichthyology, and finally ended up being an environmentalist.

I am a bibliophile, period. I collect vintage paperbacks, and probably have about 100 ASE’s. Anything that gets people reading is good, IMO.

Oh, honey, that’s a helluva bad color/design for you.