
You haven’t been around teens for a while, have you?

Then you’ll be skeeved to hear that my husband of 32 years is 10 years older than me....

Well, she has an office....

Blame the victim. Holy merde, what an asshat.

But the bitch inside it is.

May I point out that the CEO rehired him in the first place? Why would you go somewhere with a CEO who does that?

You’re just digging yourself in worse here, kiddo. Turn off the computer, climb out of your mom’s basement, and drink some coffee or something. Maybe a diet coke.

Racist, too. Imagine that.


Walking back on your previous comments are you now? Pfft.

Verbal diarrhea from a trollette. Blech.

You really are a teeny-tiny trollette, aren’t you?

Your judgement is... clouded. Or wishy-washy. Or both.

I do not know any information about this, but why are you willing to shove all white feminists into one category when it sure as SHIT is not true?

If she wanted a C-section for lazy reasons, then whatever. I had mine after 28 hours labor. That was not what I call lazy.

Something horrible will happen if you didn’t vote Cthulhu....

I just know it’s a fun word to say.


Much to my SO’s abject horror, I watch Dr. Phil. And honestly, it is because whatever I may have done, I’m not as whatever as some of his guests.