
If she wanted a C-section for lazy reasons, then whatever. I had mine after 28 hours labor. That was not what I call lazy.

Something horrible will happen if you didn’t vote Cthulhu....

I just know it’s a fun word to say.


I did NOT need that image.

Much to my SO’s abject horror, I watch Dr. Phil. And honestly, it is because whatever I may have done, I’m not as whatever as some of his guests.


BUT IT DIDN’T WORK THAT WAY. Take off those rose-colored glasses, will ya?

Um, no, it hasn’t. Now kids are thinking, “Hey, I’ll get knocked up and be on TV!!!!11!”

And I thought respectfully. More than the crap on Faux Noise tend to do.

Except if it’s Voldemort in FL who asked for our prayers when he’s fucked over so many things, including things that might have mitigated at least some of the effects of Irma.

I saw the opposite of this applied to some teens who tried to lynch a young boy. The sheriff called them “young children who made a mistake”.

He’s (supposedly) a grownup now. That’s different.

But at this point, WE DON’T KNOW if this had anything to do with it. Basically, you are feeding the trollettes by assuming it does.

Teens are NOT ‘little children’.

The scary thing about this is who on the effing jury is going to be competent to judge a medical situation, or are they going to go on emotion, gut-feelings, and Jeebus?

I’m smelling a lawsuit and Vegas having to shell out a lot of money - and they’ve upped the cost by their defamations. Congrats, Las Vegans (that sounds wrong), this is coming out of your pockets!

Where are we that they had to actually tell people this? Holy merde, people.

I will say that gift cards are MUCH less expensive to mail than actual presents...