
I would amend that to read ‘young, stupid middle-class white men’.

Just like the asshats from Springfield, OR who show up in Seattle at various protests. Any excuse to pull crap like this.


Ah, and the true yeller comes out from behind its claims of being adult and Gandhi-esque and such.

Don’t engage the troll. Just flag it.

Nah, you’re just a mean little trollette.

I’m guessing a contrarian conservative here...

Fuck off, trollette.

Oh. My. Gawd. They won’t help with a grandkid with leukemia? Where the FUCK is their vaunted christian values? Thank goodness you can help.

Wow. I can’t even....

They figured out eclipses.

They figured out eclipses.

I like that Musk used the term him/her. Snails are hermaphroditic.

I dunno, I think it’s cute in a shrewy kind of way.

Remember to stab the torso repeatedly to let out decomp gases.

I’m sorry you’re so quick to judge. Personally, I thought it was a good cast. Hell, my SO thought it was a good cast.

I’ve never done that!

Seconded. It’s like Top Gear - the original cast had the whole chemistry thing going. The new one? Pffft.

Actually, I find bread dough to be very forgiving. I use a bread machine to knead, but NOT to bake. And there’s no such thing as too little salt - too much, yes, it inhibits the yeast.

No props. None. A real man would have talked about making things better with her, not just *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* about open relationships and/or threesomes. Or a real man would have said, “I’m out of here.”