
We always dealt with that by using small circular bandaids...

It is even nicer to see some trip over themselves to try to diss a website.

I read this just a couple of hours ago, and was aghast. Basically said the same thing the author said - EIGHT EFFING YEARS OLD? AND SHE DIDN’T BRING UP THE RAPE ASPECT OF THIS!!!!!!

Your grasp of the rules of the Democratic convention are.... tenuous, to say the least.

Why are you tapdancing around the question?

“But” That little word which means don’t believe a thing I said before it.

Well, if you had any proof of this, let’s hear it. So, just how many emails did YOU send Lange?

My cat brought in a baby garter snake - tres cute and still alive. He likes giving us live reptilian presents.

But as far as I and other people here can tell, that commenter *wasn’t*. Jeez, get a grip.


Yeah, his photos show how very highly he thinks of himself. His words show how very little he thinks of black female students at West Point.