
Physically attractive? Really?

blah blah blah blah blah

“But” That little word that means you’re lying through your teeth.

Um, they corrected themselves in less than 24 hours.

IMHO, this is a clear case of “ME! ME! LOOK AT ME!!!!1!!!”

Thanks. You just made me throw up.


A couple of thoughts:

Maybe we should set up an arranged marriage....

Or, you know, realize that they are being killed and poached in their native habitat and fucking realize the mission of zoos these days - KEEP THE SPECIES AROUND.

She Texan.

And she just HAS to say “Republican president”.

Not to mention sex ed that would be of use....

I’ve recounted this before, but I feel it bears saying again. A friend was taking her mother for cancer treatment at a clinic in the same building that did ob/gyn care and abortions. They were spit on, vilified, screamed and cursed at. None of these asshats bothered to think that other patients were going there for

I hope he realizes that the oceans produce over half of our oxygen supply.

Good gods, you’re a joke. A sick joke, Eff off.

Jeez, I just edited my previous remark out of existance, but I think I can now reiterate it - you’re a piece of crap.


Because our so-called POTUS has made it okay, is my take.

Honest question here - are they exuberant over drumpster’s take on Cuba? They don’t have any empathy for people in Cuba who aren’t rich and weren’t able to flee the country (wimps, IMHO) when they did?