
My personal fave, the grumpy guy from Tyrannosaur.
Still getting over that film and it's been 5 years since I watched it

I watched the first episode last night - it was OK. I'll continue watching but gleaning from the review that it is humourless is a little off-putting.
Side point: we watched this last night because my boyfriend said he didn't want to watch Mad Men. We started it week or so ago and are about 4 episodes in, but MrPam

Late to the party (this episode just aired in the UK last night).
Is anyone else bored with the monologues and truth/perception themes? I am sticking with it because the end of the episode last night shows that Fargo is still trying to surprise us, but I am getting tired of it. Maybe I'm just a simpleton but what

I remember this commenter from the Fargo season 1 boards - he really disliked Molly and would always call her condescending - he is pretty much the only person who thought that. I agree with you, they are nice people.

I know so many Finchys that sail through life I can't find any good in him at all.

Especially the twins… I forget their names. I despised them but loved their scenes.

"Jenna's side, Jenna's side.. I'm not hearing it"

The interview is really confusing and Teller comes across insecure and awkward. If I remember rightly he doesn't trash talk other people and he has talent.

I went to Edinburgh uni and I'm not ashamed to say I spent a fair few nights at Cav. I did get a thrill when I realised that the club scene in T2 was filmed there. "Hang on… I recognise that lit-up disco floor"

I liked it in theory but Russell and Ryan lacked the chemistry to make it really pop.

Yes I don't think Taylor will ever be going on Graham Norton again. She's the sort of guest who wants the easy questions from a sycophant host.

I'd like to add the Martin Sheen and Ed Byrne episode - which is quite an old one now but such a goodie.

When I rewatched the episode with my first-time watcher boyfriend I did a (completely involuntary) pre-emptive groan when that bit was coming up. My boyfriend looked at me like "are you all right you sound like a mad cow". A few minutes later he was also groaning at how cheesy it is. I think that's what has happened

I so wish I wasn't at work right now I am dying to listen!!

your comment made me laugh, and I agree. What an awful tease about Irene, a genuinely interesting character. Instead we got Euros a one-note psycho who just wants to be loved. Terrible.

Completely agree. They had how much time to write a decent mystery - and they turned it into a mix of Saw and the Crystal Maze.
To be fair though, I have had a problem with the show since the "I am Sherlocked" moment where my eyes rolled so far back into my head that I could see myself think. And the show has had more

I was confused as well, but then Lestrade said near the end that he couldn't stop confessing, so I guess that was one of his character quirks? As in he loved to tell people and had to find ways to do so without getting in bother.

Yeah I turned to my boyfriend early-ish and said - 'are you getting Jimmy Savile from this guy', then they turned up to the hospital and we just looked at each other like 'OHHHHHHHHHH it's on'

Came here to make a generic Gooners comment… but then I saw the picture of Nicolas Cage HOLY WHAT NOW

I'm not going to take style lessons from The Grauniad !