Easy Go

I think you’ve hit it right on the head; Micro-transactions lay-bare the fact that games are a business. They shatter the illusion that game developers make games only for the art, to create something of pure enjoyment, and the only reason they charge for them at all is they want to eat. They’re the basest form of

I wonder what Goldeneye on the N64 would have been like if it were released with loot boxes.

you guys aint seen nothing til you see her jack sparrow

Even if it’s not “gambling,” that doesn’t mean it isn’t playing on the same exact psychological appeals that gambling does. And when they give people the ability to pay actual money for the loot boxes—even children—that’s just super poor form. It makes me think back to comments that Jonathan Blow made in a game design

You should read more, IMHO.

Bullshit, take Arrival off.

“Lore”... You are the gurkleflurk ! You have to collect all of the zibbleflobbs before the evil Ngarfls get their hands on them and save the dongleflong! 

The ONLY valid argument I’ve heard for back roll is when you have a cat that likes to spin the TP roll.

Listen, I’m not anti-DLC. But there’s some truth to that statement. Whether it’s characters you can only buy after the game comes out that are coded onto the disc, or the ability to pay your way out of playing the game (looking at you, Shadow of War), this is a legitimate problem.

It is, but at the same time, it does feel like digging into it like these guys are doing not only ruins the surprise, but robs it of some magic.

This is beutifull, just wish we had discovered this naturally, no hackers spoiling us this : (

Imaginary sexism is the worst kind of sexism

They're not minor flaws - they're problems with this very paradigm of gaming, which wastes our time while flattering us that we're achieving something of worth.

I don't think he's right, but he has put 150 hours into the game and finished it at least once, so, it's not that.

I'm assuming he hates it the way I hate Skyrim and Fallout. I played those games for over 100 hours each, but I don't feel that I got anything out of that time, like I was just spinning my wheels and