Easy Go

Right, this is one of the things that is resolutely ignored in these kinds of criticisms — the sexual orientation of the vast majority of supporting characters in films is never addressed because it doesn’t have anything to do with the plot, and thus demanding that a supporting character’s sexual orientation be

I’ll preface this by saying I’m gay. Honest question - are you gay? I hope so, cause I’m kind of getting tired of people being offended on our behalf when we’re not offended.

Development nightmares on ME:A killed mass effect, not the fan base. Although some of the fan base is indefensible.

Was it a distraction because of the gay representation or because the romantic life of a minor side character is superfluous to the plot and themes of the larger narrative?

Next go-round they need to get their asses back to the Milky Way and go for something a bit more grounded and personal, like in Mass Effect 2. No need for us to save the galaxy again, but it would be cool to explore Earth, Thessia, etc. when they’re not all about to be destroyed.

And the PvP is... yeah.

Of all the Destiny time-wasters, I think this faction rally thing is the most useless. Has anyone ever been interested in it? Do dull activities to get mediocre gear...sign me up!

Can’t wait to get home in an hour and sign up to Dead Orbit.

The movie was definitely entertaining. But it really lacked any substance. It was just action sequence after action sequence. This can be somewhat blamed on how bloated the script was. They really could have made 2 significant movies out of the plot of Ragnarok. But instead, we got this badly paced plot with lots of

Or jokes when Asgard, and almost all its people, are destroyed. I really enjoyed it but thinking about it today, after seeing it last night, it’s crazy how much monumental stuff happens that left no impression on me because of the almost non-stop comedy. Thor loses his hammer, his eye, his father, his closest friends,

The overall tone made the comedy acceptable. BUT

This is going to sound negative, so I’m going to start off by saying I really liked the movie. There were just a few things that annoyed me with how it fit into the greater MCU.

...I have a feeling Father Time is going to look poorly on Ragnarok.

Preiest: “Do you Mercy, take Genji to be your lawfully married Husband, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health?”

I would also like to remind everyone that NSFW stuff comprises a good chunk of Patreon’s fiances. If they bite the hands that feeds them, those folks will go elsewhere, and by default, cut drastically into Patreon’s cut.

I’ve been working with Cecilia on this story since Thursday, when I warned her that things would likely blow up over the weekend and that she might have to work Saturday and Sunday. Which she of course agreed to do immediately, because she is a trooper. Her hard work is the reason that this story is more thorough than

While it shouldn’t matter, because of the subject of the video being way more important, it’s either possible that
a) you associate that shirt with women’s fashion, but it is unisex,

b) he may be homosexual / cross dresser / transgender etc with a flair for fashionable items

c)he just liked the damn shirt and he

This seems like a Damned if you, damned if you don’t kind of situation. I’m happy they published the adventure, even if they stumbled. They tried, which is a weird thing I have come to appreciate from white people around me as a PoC. It’s awkward sometimes, but I appreciate they try to include me and be mindful of me

True, but on the upside Woodrocket is uncensored and the female leads don’t constantly squeal like piglets throughout the shoot.

Just the latest reminder that microtransactions aren’t separate from the game. They can be central to the game itself, in mechanics designed to trigger further purchases.