That would be fair if her prescriptions makes her jump higher, land smoother, turn her legs into springs, make her float and never be off balance or making her perfectly focus. It doesn’t.
That would be fair if her prescriptions makes her jump higher, land smoother, turn her legs into springs, make her float and never be off balance or making her perfectly focus. It doesn’t.
I was also referring to the early in her career dogwhistles. There was a scandal about the Italians and others early in her career.
You’re speaking as if her baseline lack of focus would be the same as anybody else’s. She needed medication to control a disorder and there’s nothing malicious or performance enhancing about that. It’s not a performance enhancer if you are just hoping for normal.
That person is conflating getting permission to take a necessary medication with illegal stimulants while pretending to be an ADHD expert.
So, a person with a disorder taking their meds while making sure to get the proper permissions for them with the International and National commissions is..... An advantage?
Don’t bother. That poster has no time for logic.
Why be rational when we can backdoor damn her and dismiss her in a manner that makes us feel superior?
Exactly. Venus Williams has a well documented Autoimmune Disease. It’s a wonder she can walk, lot alone compete at an international level.
Are you her fucking doctor or an actual research scientist focusing on ADHD?
It’s okay. They’re both adorable super humans. I don’t begrudge your error.
That hack pisses me off so much. It wasn’t even about revenge over the doping ban but another way to try to reinforce the “European” aesthetic in Women’s Gymnastics. Simone is the best in the world and displayed great sportsmanship but that doesn’t matter because the sport’s not meant for her anyways.
Doggies or America’s Sweetheart?
$1.9 mil is not enough. The pledge to retrain cops is not enough.
Well said. People are also forgetting that just the fact that she took to twitter to mention her lack of offense at the term oriental, she became the unwilling mouthpiece for Asian Americans everywhere.
And who will you-fiveburnersandcounting , lord over your sense of moral superiority over if Jujy decides to stop complaining about an annoyance?
Kanye just doesn’t want to admit that nobody actually wants to talk to him.
Megan, it’s not about her level of offense. It’s about the fact that she’s tacitly approving a derogatory term aimed at Asians.
That’s fair.