
My favorite theory is that as a spy he has to drink to keep his cover, but would rather be less drunk than everyone else, so he orders his drink watered down so he can keep as much of his wits as he can.

Raul Julia could deliver a pizza with gravitas. Which he probably did, since his dad owned a pizza joint.

This kind of thing is super common in latin america. If you’re the only black dude in a group your nickname will be “El Negro” if you’re Asian it’ll be a “Chino” if you’re fat it’ll be “Gordo”. I can see how interspecies groups would go for nicknames allusive to what makes their species different in a situation like

I was in Germany for a business conference, and as too often happens at these things, I got sick. I bowed out of all the events for the day, and shut myself in my hotel room, looking for something peppy and brainless to watch.

This had just come out, and I figured a family sitcom revival in the vein of Fuller House sho

I bet you tell people that Frankenstein is the doctor not the monster.

From what I’ve read. You have to comment early and often, with relevant content.

I love this idea, just name Goodman’s character Glen Allen Walken and get Aaron Sorkin to write.

They’ll call it Sue Heck. It’s about Sue working as an attorney for victims of demonic deals gone wrong. Sue being Sue, will always call the infernal dimension Heck, because her Orson Indiana upbringing would never let her say Hell.

I came here for Nadia. I’d watch a show of just her sociopathically stumbling through the fashion industry.

Most are run by agencies, and agencies are measured by metrics they pull from the advertising platform. They don’t really care as long as they can go back to the client and point to numbers that seem real.
It’s usually part of such a large campaign that the shortfalls of parts of it are subsumed by the efficiencies of

I think the idea of a principled Republican administration in the West Wing world, would be an amazing way to help get the GOP off the racist, gleefully uninformed, track.

A version of the Republican party populated by Ainsley Hayes, Joe Quincy, Glen Allen Walker, and Arnold Vinick, would be an amazing contrast to the

None of that were Kelsey

It’s hard to know what to make of the call to action to get your T-shirts made in Puerto Rico. Maybe it won’t make a huge difference, but maybe it also meets slacktivists where we are? When Samantha Bee talked to The A.V. Club this week, she said it was “experimental for sure, but maybe had more legs—something that

What happened to their ions?

Benicio DelToro couldn’t be bothered?

Yup, that’s a great example of an opener.

Ugh, I hate that I know this.
Openers are meant to engage short term. It gives the guy a “reason” to be there and a way for the girl to involve herself in his narrative.
He doesn’t care what her opinion is or what she answers, just that she is comfortable with his presence.
If the girl doesn’t tell the guy to get lost,

I agree. That’s why I propose that it should be communicated more clearly and simply. If it took me this long, what hope does a tipsy 18 year-old have of navigating through the complexities of the topic.

I honestly had no idea that “let’s put a pin in that” meant to drop something. I always though it meant let’s put that aside and pick it up after we deal with more important stuff.

So I sat with my wife to talk about this article and she explained how the situational pressure can be enough to remove consent. I’m a 36 year old, college educated, liberal, who wants to understand, and It took a woman who knows me well an hour to get me to understand how it could be considered that there wasn’t