Pablito Garcia

To be clear, if you were to see evidence of these two things to your satisfaction, would that be "enough" for you to see him as horrible and vile? If sufficient, I'm happy to help. If not, why bother, you can love him all you want.

This is totally the kind of critique of the "just-ick" system we need in media. CSI is NOTHING like this. CIS is cop-sucking and "smart" for "stupid people". This is an actual critique of the just-ick system subversively wrapped in a cynical economic "at all costs" solution so trials PAY even if crimes don't. The

I don't think "no sex" is an express part of her Parole, and if it is, it is boilerplate stuff. I rather think it was part of her giving a reason for turning down the heat. She was working through it… Having said that, there is probably some "conditions" about delinquency that could be construed to cover that.