
In theory, yes. In practice, the energy density of batteries is far too low to make that practical. Using the Volvo S90 as an example (because it has a plugin-electric and gas version so we don’t have to guess at efficiencies), with a leaf battery pack as a baseline (since they’re the only ones readily available) we

Well, at least your account name is accurate.

Kevin Federline quietly becoming the most responsible and sane adult in the extended Spears family drama was certainly not something that I saw coming in the early 00s.

Give it back to Wisconsin, like it should be. The history of the UP being in MI is pretty interesting.

Yes. Here’s a 2008 Boxster S tiptronic in Guards Red over tan.72K miles and heated seats. Asking 22995.

I thought it was the front edge of the stage at a strip joint.

This reminds me of when I was buying my focus (since totaled when I got rear-ended) back in 2011. I was shopping several cars available in manual and had I think 3 salespeople tell me that you couldn’t get cruise control on a manual transmission car -_-

A quick look on a nationwide Craigslist search site convinces me of two things: there’s plenty of used duece and a quarters (225) out there for sale, and two we live in fictional times when a Buick 225 can fetch $25-$45G. I hear Samuel L. Jackson yelling in the back of my head “You outta yo God D*** mind” ...$30,000

I miss the experience of being in a local theater or an art house theater like the ones in the smallish city where I grew up. Now, in the suburbs, all we have is movieplex hell. Last movie my husband and I saw in the theater was Star Wars Ep. IX. Close to $70 (for a 10AM show!) by the time we bought tickets (online,

Poly and bi/pan are separate things, but many of us bi/pan folks are poly-inclined. There are also straight people who are poly, and bi/pan people who are monogamous.

That had nothing to do with Paris: have you never seen nude women in non-French art? The Odalisque was a common artistic theme in the 19th century, just as “searching for fleas” appears in Renaissance art: you know, the 15th century equivalent of buying Playboy for the articles.

I can only offer my own thoughts on this I’m a white, college educated woman living in NH. I voted for Klobuchar.

“‘They want to kill our cows,’ he continued, before repeating himself. ‘They want to kill our cows.’”

Just a reminder that Kobe Bryant probably raped a woman.

Okay, we have Chinese and Hispanic, but how do you feel about black people?

You could've made a better point without all the racism, gabacho.

Why the multiple racist shithead throwaway lines? Scumbag.

I think Hertz sales let’s you rent before you buy. So you get a 3 day test drive of the actual car you are considering and it’s free if you do end up buying

The Queen Mother took the abdication VERY personally....not only as an affront to her personal beliefs, but she absolutely blamed “David” for “Bertie’s” death from cancer in his 50's. She believed the stress did him in.