
Patricia, I've noticed that recently your articles are the most fun to read, not sure why I wanted to say that, it's weird. Didn't actually thought I would read a full article on Kim Kardashian's game but you made me read it, don't know how you did but you did.

Don't matter to me the length of her hair, I'll still marry her and she can kick my ass whenever she wants, lol.

I know you're not counting indies, but he's not a woman but still a nonwhite character and that's Juan from Guacamelee! hehehe, I truly love this game, never had so much fun playing a metroidvania type of game.

I know some people have been answering your post, but I'm still confused as to what you really want to get at with your 'questionings'? You seem to bash a lot of things from Nintendo's business model yet you've never followed them so why is this affecting you?