P5guy now GTIguy

Lots of people with low income and/or subprime credit watch sports


No, all the mask wearing is to show disapproval of me, the guy who cured Cordiavirus. The economy is fixed, the china virus is long dead and the Juneteen celebrations are in full swing. Who knew Americans cared so much about June and teenagers? It’s a lovely holiday, lovely like a lovely broad, like Ivanka.

chickity china the chinese chicken

Change out the floor mat with a catch basin. 

Stow n Go is uncomfortable shit.

Chrysler does that by having shitty seats that are very thin, and giving up all of the cargo space that would otherwise be available under them. It’s a lot like Honda being so proud of its trucklet having an in-bed cargo box... except that they did it by raising the bed floor so the bed capacity is much smaller and

None of the LEDs are dead.

How big is your garage? What kinda lift is that? and is that a x3? or x5?

“The rest of us, adults with common sense, budgets, and limited weekly video game time”

Normally yes. But then again... Halo. So I might be tempted to go for a day 1 buy. 

Well I’m going to get it because I’m an adult with common sense who’s been saving a little each pay check so I don't have to worry too much about it and will get to enjoy plenty of games because of backwards compatibility, and still has plenty of game time.

I’m an adult with common sense. Buying day 1 because saving $50 a year later on Black Friday isn’t worth the wait. Xbox One had great stability with first gen consoles. Don’t pretend like you have a masterful take - your “common sense” really reads like something from a bitter loser that will always be unhappy with

Dont worry the new Rogue is still on track ready and for deployment to your rental fleet soon.

Does this really make that much of a difference? I’ve played with numbers on my insurer’s website and the premium cost is negligible between the range of 5000 and 50,000 annual miles. We’re talking less than $50/6mos or something equally small and dumb.

Frankly I won’t get a fucking nickel out of any of this and I am A-OK with that. I want everybody to be in the position where they don’t need a government bailout, and the downstream effects of mass evictions, bankruptcies, and repos would be SO much worse for the economy, massive numbers of deaths or not.


If this is the kind of shit we allow to happen, then maybe we don’t deserve to modify cars.

Rear-facing is better. That way, your children can SEE irresponsible, texting drivers nearly plow into them. This repetitive exposure to their own mortality at a young age frees them from their basest fears, allowing them to truly become their best selves.