P5guy now GTIguy

I added some more photos just now. Breaking news, gotta act quickly. Thanks for waiting. 


Let me restore it, Andrew. I’m okay.

In case you are wondering how Han survived the crash in F3 (spoiler alert, lol). It was all a trick to decive your eyes. Otherwise known as...

OMG! I’ve been waiting for someone on this site to write about these. The first time I saw them, I thought they were kinda cool. Then I realized that they do what all crappy American taillights do, and that’s unnecessarily omit a whole brake light when the signal is on. The Ram 1500s with the fancy LED lights do this

Maybe the thieves were GM workers who read too much Erik Shilling.

Stupid people. That’s your answer.

Yes, though this isn’t a facelift; it’s a generational change.

When it starts making money

Da, I can supply you with Saw, comrade. 

“...appears to have no rust whatsoever.”

Can we address the bigger issue here? Can we stop with the recommended/recent videos auto playing on every single page?

What’s important to me is being able to open an article in Jalopnik without a video autoplaying.

InsideEVs? You mean InsideElonsButt?

I vote for COTD right away!

When I was like 23, I was at a casual bar in Atlanta, and I was being a typical 23 year old dude... staring at a nice butt on some smoking hot blonde I saw in yoga pants.

This is dog, am good.

Is the dog okay? 

Can Nissan Kill the rest of their lineup next? 

Strong weekend rollout. The Red Pig is an easy pick for a favorite, but how about the plaid seats in that W202? Happy Friday, fam.