Wayyyy too much credit was given to XIII. That was the only FF game which I got frustrated, quit, and threw the game away out of spite.
Wayyyy too much credit was given to XIII. That was the only FF game which I got frustrated, quit, and threw the game away out of spite.
I’ve never seen such an overreaction to what is simply an average game which, let’s face it, was never going to be make-or-break for Xbox’s success, and certainly wasn’t hyped to the level Starfield is.
Yep same. Other people not being able to play a game, somehow doesn't make the game more fun. The Xbox is such a good platform, and gamepass is such a good deal.
I mean... no, that’s obviously not true. Some people might migrate to a cloud-only experience but there’s no way it’s going to be the majority of people. Lots of people want to own their games and lots of other people simply don’t have internet speeds needed for cloud gaming.
I might be alone here but I don’t particularly care for exclusives. I’d just rather have a good platform with good games that functions. My Xbox gets more use than any of my other devices that have good exclusives save for the few weeks I’ll play a zelda or a Spider-man. I still have no intention of getting a PS5 just…
Not once do you mention that it’s Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization launching rockets at Israeli civilians
“Not once do you mention that it’s Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization launching rockets at Israeli civilians”
Yep. This isn’t a heartwarming tale, this is a damning indictment of our healthcare system and the effects of weak labor protections.
All of this because he lives in a country where the cost of healthcare would kill him otherwise. This is all great and warm and fuzzy, but let’s not forget that this would not be necessary in a country with a working healthcare system for its citizens.
“nobody actually wanted small sedans and hatchbacks”
Honda, Hyundai/Kia, and Toyota would beg to differ.
Harley and Gm making just the big and expensive stuff and Ford giving up on cars, Home builders mostly building gigantic homes. This is a wide spread issue that will not get any better. With limited space and limited raw materials and ever fewer people with the money to buy the expensive stuff, I wonder how this trend…
I mean, I get calling out Kingdom Hearts as inaccessible but I don’t quite understand how that’s true for Final Fantasy (a series known for each entry being completely unrelated to the previous one and therefore not needing any prior knowledge to play any of them) and Resident Evil (in which Resident Evil 7, an entry…
Being that Woody is a rare toy from the 50's, I always assumed that he was a hand-me-down from Andy’s probably deceased dad, and that’s why he was so attached and willing to take him to college.
How to Train Your Dragon is one of my all time favourite animations and I don’t know how it happened. I feel quite possessive of it.
So much so that when the “okay-it’s-fine-I-guess” movie, Love and Monsters recycled the opening from it beat for beat I felt immediately cross.
Seriously, watch the two side by side, for…
I can’t believe that the first time I saw ‘Ratatouille’ I thought, “Yeah, that was okay.” Subsequent rewatches - and there have been many - have convinced me it’s a near-perfect film. As someone who loves to discuss food, has been a semi-professional critic, and believes very much in the idea that greatness can come…
TS3 is pretty great, but I never much wanted to revisit it. (The bit where Andy is playing with his toys with Bonnie before he goes off to college sure did make me tear up, though.) Meanwhile, I can watch my two favorite Pixar movies, Ratatouille and A Bug’s Life a million times without ever getting tired of them.…
just because physical toys are conditioning our children to gamble doesn’t make it ok.
As I understand it, these “card packs” are “players” that you can use on your “team” in online multiplayer mode.
Each “player” ’s stats are randomized, with rarer “players” having better stats.
So yes, it directly affects gameplay.
I feel like it’s similar to the “blind packaging” that you find in almost every toy these days.