
I can think of at least one earlier "horde" mode in Unreal Tournament 2004.

Does Beatnik Games have a contact email? I write for Press X or Die and we'd love to review Plain Sight and get on your mailing list.

My plug was much more enticing. Plus my undeniable good looks can't hurt...

I reviewed Portal 2 in a spoiler-free fashion for PXOD. Check check check it out.

That's how I killed them too. I justified it by telling myself I was just outsmarting them :-)

The Moblin recommended Chrono Trigger to me and I gotta login just to say:

Because I fell in love with the original GR and R6 games, and I hate what they've become. They may be fun games (I know I had some good times with Vegas), but they are not true in any way to the spirit of the series.

Man, I hear ya loud and clear. I wish they'd just create a new franchise if they want to try something radically different from the series' original intention; instead, our favorite niche franchises all have to turn into Call of Duty clones. I miss the punishing difficulty of the first Ghost Recon.

They started down that road with GRAW.

"The PC-only game..." :-)

Now playing

PC version footage here, for comparison's sake.

Hi Draco. You absolutely need to get the unique weapons rather than their generic counterparts to get a leg up on the Deathclaws and Cazadors. Certain editions of the game came with some "Sturdy" versions of weapons that did not deteriorate, which was awesome, but I particularly recommend Dinner Bell (linked below).

I hate coconut. Not the taste, the consistency.

A day in the mind of a Gizmodo reader:

Bread? Apples? Very small rocks?

Your comment is so bad that I just focus on your virtual tits.

This scene gives me chills. Well done, Mr. Merchant. (Major spoilers)

@PatheticPhallacy: Yes, I agree with every word. I wish Rainbow Six was still like the old Rogue Spear games - sure, evolve, change, innovate, but never rip the heart out of the series. GRAW and GRAW2 were just nothing like the excellence of GR, Desert Siege, and Island Thunder.

Yes, that was I. The game was awesome. I loved the free-roaming nature of the second half of the game, the characters, the rich back-stories, the compelling combat, the court/trial scene, the first Lavos fight, the animation, the music (600 AD especially), and just the raw emotion poured into the storyline. It's a