
I've seen nothing to indicate the gameplay is interesting at all. Combine that with the overblown hype and the constant association with Rockstar's development skills despite the fact that Team Bondi is doing the majority of the development, and I think we've got a recipe for a big disappointment here. Still, I

Metacritic score of under 70, calling it now. Lock in your bets below people

What are the specs? You'd be surprised what you can run; I got the Source engine to run on my netbook with some tweaking.

@Crowquill42: That's because you're a soul skater!

@September: Team Pup N Suds for life \m/

I love Brink

I can personally vouch for Rhino Records in Claremont as being awesome. You may also try Rockaway Records downtown. Good luck and happy hunting!

Seems like Brink will be a game where the hardcore will learn all the ins and outs of the gameplay and love the crap out of it, regardless of what reviews say. I think Splash Damage knows their stuff, so it's definitely worth a try.

Where are you at in LA? Amoeba is great, as is Rhino Records in Claremont. There are a good amount of independent stores depending which area you are in.

@IcoSotc: The Episodes add new gameplay elements like crazy. Episode 2 is the apex of the series.

@Walternate: I'd recommend a playthrough of Half-Life 1 if you're tolerant of older games. It hasn't aged all that badly.

Totally agree. My wife isn't much of a gamer but blazed through Portal 1 & 2 because they are that well-designed. They really give you the feeling that Valve loves you. Well, that and the twinkle in Gabe Newell's eye...

The image appears to be blocked on my computer.

I haven't been here since the re-design, just won't load right on my computer. I've been hanging out with a lot of the Kotaku guys over on tay.gappoi.org recently.

@ATimson: Thanks for that info; the specs I had seemed high but I couldn't find it anywhere (seeing as my HL box is long gone). And congrats on the star!

Remember, though, that it probably would have been a heavily modified version of the Quake II or Unreal engines. Here are the specs for Half-Life 1, basically built upon a modded Quake I:

The Wii indeed is a great console with some of my favorite games. Whether or not it's the best is all subjective so it's kinda pointless to argue about.

@dracosummoner: I haven't played TWEWY (next purchase actually), but Chrono Trigger DS I just beat last month for the first time and it made my top 10, if that counts for anything.

Don't make me put you back in your Pokeball Pika

Before clicking, assumed the title was referring to Angry Birds. Hey-oh!