
@jacque_choi: You can go into offline mode and play with no Internet.

@Louganis: Most likely they are completely separate teams.

@FellowMusicFan: Valve Software has shown above all others that providing quality and value to the consumer overrules piracy every single time. Yes, pirating hurts PC games, but often it's just used as an excuse to shaft us.

@Mythos: Ha, I love multi-platform support, as long as it doesn't shaft us PC gamers unfairly. If 360 / PS3 can get equal love, all the better.

Sigh. Well, not like we're not used to getting screwed over for consoles. At least we still have Valve.

@dmcshinobi: It's the stereotype of gamers playing on Xbox Live - younger teens cussing and using racial slurs over headsets during the game. Wasn't really talking about "kids" playing or anything.

Click the Wrench icon and navigate to Tools - Basics and start adding sites.

@Diamond Sea: I just ordered DQIX for $20 on amazon. I've never played a DQ title before, so I'm apprehensive.

@dh4645: I found them spot-on, personally.

I am glad our PS3 brethren are finally freed from the shackles of dual analogs! Goldeneye Wii solidified the deal - no more DA setup on consoles for p4warrior!

@Shiryu: MP3 had perfect controls.

@Batman: Also, Monster Hunter Tri is great. Doesn't fit the standard JRPG bill though...

@matt2011: I like your style Matt.

@ClintonD: That's what I'm getting too.

@DocSeuss: I was pretty surprised myself. Looks amazing, I really hope they localize it.