@Rolyatkcinmai: If you think it's as easy as that to understand, you're not doing the complexity of our universe justice. How is the idea that matter and energy are eternal "common sense" to any degree?
@Rolyatkcinmai: If you think it's as easy as that to understand, you're not doing the complexity of our universe justice. How is the idea that matter and energy are eternal "common sense" to any degree?
@matt2011: Lol! Nice.
@RobCo93: No
Anybody want Dark Souls on PC? Some of us don't have a 360 or PS3 :(
Your Comment Section Summarized, a Handy Guide
@WillSerenity: I heard some rumors about that, but I think the head of Nintendo UK was kinda misquoted. Here's what he said:
@Jordan White: So you have played it? I'd love to hear some more impressions; I can't wait for this to get localized.
@gigawings: Bummer :( Hopefully by the time they localize it you'll have the funds!
@DocSeuss: Why yes, yes it is!
@excel_excel: +1!
Combat looks pretty cool. I would like to repeat that we would like to see this one in the West. PLEASE.
I really, really, really want The Last Story to come to the US. It looks great.
@SublimeAndEtc: Everyone*
@freedomweasel: I'd be hopping mad
Why no PC version, Namco? Why?!?
Are you using a gamepad Fahey?
@hurr. pancakes: Are you... me? Is this going to create some sort of paradox?
@Dread: I don't mind Archives either, but over and over again it gets pretty boring to play a standard indoor level. I like the Outpost layout.
@Dread: Yeah, especially that dang labyrinthine Archives level. At least Outpost is enjoyable.
@Screwtape: Sometimes you can. You just have to call them and pray.