@Who wants toast?: And probably a universe wherein Nintendo no longer exists, actually. They have only survived because they innovate.
@Who wants toast?: And probably a universe wherein Nintendo no longer exists, actually. They have only survived because they innovate.
@griffed88: I find the stylus more accurate for FPS, but that's my opinion of course.
@forsinain42: Agreed!
@forsinain42: As obsolete as the DS was compared to the PSP
@yanipheonu: The problem is there's no reason to think COD would be exclusive - they could make a pretty darn comparable version for the 3DS, so it'd be hard to see it as a system seller.
@Foohy: Yeah it's the one downside of a mouse/keyboard set up - no analog lateral movement as you describe it.
@kitenai: True. I think shooting with the trigger was better, plus you had a few weapon buttons on the touchscreen as well I think.
@myxylplyx: I probably am, but the sticks are too slow. Plus Metroid was just a portable title so it didn't demand as many buttons like a full console title would.
@-MasterDex-: Yeah. I played through some of GoldenEye on the Wii with dual analog and it was serviceable, but still bad.
@phantomK: True
@Darthgundam: No, because I game on the PC and Wii mostly.
Dual analogs have always baffled me when trying to play FPS'es. It's so cumbersome; the only game that really got it right was the first Metroid Prime IMHO. I liked the d-pas/stylus control setup on the DS.
@Eggyhead85: Oh I agree that he's not bashing 3D, which is respectable. I'm just saying it's interesting - for instance, Sony couldn't run an ad campaign along the lines of "3D is the Future" for their 3DTV's, lest they make their portable sound dated.
You know, Sony oftentimes come across as tools in their interviews, but this guy sounds pretty reasonable. Good show, Yoshida.
It's interesting that in the bigscreen space, Sony is pushing the hardest for 3D, but downplaying its importance in the portable market. Now we have an odd situation where a Sony ad on one channel could be extolling the merits of 3D, while another ad could be making fun of the 3DS for having 3D... boom head asplode!
Gonna change my pricing guess for the psp2 to $399 at least, depending mostly on how big of a hit Sony is willing to take.
@Ale5: They will if the NGP is twice the price.
I like the look. Unfortunately I'm gonna raise my $349 price guess to $399 minimum, or possibly $299 or so subsidized on a 3G contract.
@Who wants toast?: Just get a second job!
@Zom-B: I feel that $299 would be the right place in the market, and $249 would be a home run, but unfortunately, this is Sony we're talking about. I'm thinking $349 is the likely choice here.