
@RockyRan: I'm 14 hours in. I have Garrus, Miranda, Jacob, Mordin, Grunt, Jack, and Thane. I think the last "story" mission I had was the attack on Horizon.

Played 7 hours of Mass Effect 2 yesterday; holy cow, I haven't had a gaming session that long since high school (ok, college.) A combination of my wife visiting her mother and my youngest son napping for a long time contributed to this. Great game.

@VileMethoD: With as good an outlook on parenthood as you seem to have, you will do just fine.

@dracosummoner: We in Los Angeles are very sophisticated, Draco, and can't associate with the likes of you.

@dracosummoner: We in Los Angeles are very sophisticated, Draco, and can't associate with the likes of you.

A few years ago, I unlocked a real-life achievement: Obtained motorcycle license.

@Weirdwolf: My 2-year old iPhone broke, but my 20-year old Gameboy works perfectly.

Mass Effect 2 is fun. Getting some weird stuttering on the PC version though. I hope it's not my hardware. :(

@Coigleach: Yep, I hope to make it myself

@SkyGriever: Find your direct link by clicking on the "community" button and copying that URL, give it to Faren 22. That's the best way to do it. :)

For you heavy metal connoisseurs, the Big 4 will be announcing their US tour dates tomorrow @ 8 AM PST.