
@Modus_Operandi: And if you'll take a look here at Exhibit H-2....

@G1bblets: Anyone want a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys?

@Duuuuuuude: Meh, Dell has come around. Good brand.

@AMCope: You haven't seen my wife...

@Duuuuuuude: If the weight doesn't kill me the fans will.

@Kotaku Reject: I actually have an older model with wheels but I couldn't find a pic.

I'm lucky my wife doesn't throw my gaming system at me...

@BrownBlur: Yeah I went on hiatus from it because my PC wasn't accessible for a while. Just started up again and forgot what a great game it is.

@ChewyChavezIII: Yeah I can't believe I ignored that perk until now. Can't wait to get it, possibly tonight.

Now playing

@hagren: I think that's how I did it, behind the boxes in that little alcove. Now how did you beat the part on Ilos with all the freakin (geth?) closing in on you. I think it's about 3:30 in this YouTube video.

@NotBrendon: I personally still wouldn't do it, just because I won't willfully violate the law in most cases. I can see the appeal of that argument though.

@LettuceD: Very true, all around.

@NotBrendon: I understand what you're saying, and you make a much more compelling argument than John_Gault did. However, I would argue that from a moral perspective, it's still the acquisition of game code, music files, movie files, etc. that was not paid for at the price offered by the seller / owner of the license.

@hagren: It was tough for me. I am terrible at video games, though I love them. I'm stuck on some ridiculous fight on Ilos right now.

@BrownBlur: My guns is @ 100, repair is @ 80, Medicine is like 40 I think. I just hit Level 20. I actually started working on Speech a bit to see what dialog options would open up.

@John_Gault: No, but they may now miss a sale. Just because there is no physical product being taken doesn't mean it's not the moral (if not strictly legal) equivalent of stealing.

@hagren: I think that one wasn't horrible for me, but the one that locked me up for a while was one when you're on a big elevator I think? And then they talk for a while and you fight. I think he was a Krogan.

@hagren: Luckily, I have the sturdy caravan shotgun, so I always have that to fall back on. But yeah, it's pretty annoying to have to worry about my guns / armor. Especially when it's so ridiculously expensive to repair.