
@Uncle Jesse: Oh man that's the worst. I think Mass Effect did that to me a couple of times.

@keyboard-vomit: I missed the Jury Rigging perk somehow until I just leveled up last night, so I'll get it next level.

New Vegas. I'm thinking, "Yeah, I'll go ahead and beat the game, then move on to Mass Effect." Im almost done with For The Republic Pt. 2, so no biggie, right?

@TonX: Am I doin this right?

@Natdude: The same thing happened for me with Batman Begins. Hated it in the theatre, but my opinion of it increased when I watched it at home.

@Pray4Mojo: That's what I assumed too.

@Uncle Jesse: I think my expectations were a little high, for sure, so it's mostly my fault. Also I had trouble following the storyline, but I think my brain was just burned out. I'll probably watch it again.

@AcidFaux: What technical issues have you had with it?

@dartingd: I don't know; first off, bugs were very inconsistent in this game. I was fine for about 20 hours of play, then stuttering started to set in, which some settings-tweaking fixed. Others report no bugs at all, some report complete unplayability.

I watched The Dark Knight for the first time last night. I feel it's overrated, but Heath Ledger was great.

@Byakko: Fair enough. In the case of the DKCR art, though, especially developing for an established franchise, Retro was never going to match the artistic direction of this concept art anyway.

@razzbarry: D'oh! I forgot this was the internet.

I thought concept art was just that - a concept. It is almost always toned down for a more playable, consistent-with-the-series look. I don't even think these are too far off from the final game, when you look at them that way.

My speakers on my netbook shorted out a while back, so I have played through Halo, Half-Life, VVVVVV, and Super Meat Boy without any sound. Blasphemy, I know.

@Duuuuuuude: It was super-precise on the mouse. Similar to how the consoles handled it with the analog control, as you describe it.

I just tried it so you all wouldn't have to. It's not very fun. (You're welcome.) Just go buy a PC copy of Tiger Woods, any year up to 6 years old for about $4 including shipping on Amazon, and play that instead. The mouse-swing mechanic was awesome.

@PulpZero: The nice thing about SC and some of those other games is that they really baby the player into the game, and even have "Very Easy" difficulties most of the time. I am horrible at RTS games, I get stomped every time, be it player or computer, yet I enjoy them all the same. There's something about building