@Faux Bravo: a year is more than enough in this case
@Faux Bravo: a year is more than enough in this case
Left 4 Dead, Final Fantasy, iPhone/iPad, anything with "3D" in title
9... 5... 95?! 9-freakin'-5?! damn you Kotaku! thanks another evening in front of my laptop ;-)
I hate 5S audits in my company. When asked Q about 5S I usually do stupid face and say "noo inglish" really loud and slow - works like a charm every time ;)
@VergessenHeld: well, they have legitimate censorship ;)
@simonca see? everyone's know that! thanks @bayern !
@simonca: "Windows doen't learn your preferred programs." - preffered not, but recent - yes. so if you use your preffered very often, then... they will end up on your recent programs list ;-)
well, it's quite useless for windows vista/7 users. proof? there you go - press "windows" key on your keyboard and start typing...
VAMD-FPYE-73LW-H3LN gone :-) Thanks Kotaku!
I'm impressed! Joseperezfm - HUGE RESPECT!
social networking? nah. I'll stick to usenet groups ;)
@NicolasCage: And I'm glad they didn't do that - so now I can actually PLAY this game, instead of waiting till 2011
Diablo III? Nah, Torchlight FTW :]
PS I know - worst photoshop job ever, but... it was [paint.net] actually ;)
looks like the Cerberus is new "elevators" - pissing off people around the world ;-)
@kftgr: thanks, but been there, done that - and missed my FF extensions too much
@Ackers thanks Brian Ashcraft: That's lame - real haters never say "sorry" ;-)
Private Browsing WINDOW? what I need is Private Browsing TAB...