
this kinda looks/feels like... Quake?

VOTE: CCleaner

MW2 (multi)

In my whole life I think I did something like (I'm totally guessing here) 7-10km of wiring job and I have to admit this DIY covers like... ~15% of shit that can happen during the job ;-)

@Kevin Purdy: I know, but it was pretty funny when I first saw the topic title ;) Anyway, the receipts are brilliant - my girlfriend loved them! #lifehackercookbook

I use tabs in FF so I can keep only ONE windows open in taskbar, and with this whole jump lists it's like using separate windows again! I don't like it at all! #firefox36

Damn, the integration with Win 7 jump-lists is annoying - my full screen apps on secondary display keep minimizing when I point my mouse to FF icon on taskbar. Any ideas how can I turn this off? But not for the whole system, just in FF. #firefox36

Vote: Windows 7 Taskbar #dock

Oh... So you meant the "actually" coffee shop, one with coffee. For a second I thought "coffee shop, Amsterdam style" ;-) #lifehackercookbook

$69.99 USD?!?! Is this some kind of sick joke? #xbox360

Brutal Legend, Rock Band* and then some Machinarium :)

VOTE: system clock, built in every OS

@incubushead: yeah, lots of water... instead of alcohol :]

@jamesjohnson01: I didn't say it should be free. But watching how other DLC are working it shouldn't be this hard to implement all this features to first L4D as DLC. Paid DLC, but still - not new game, just an extension with some new shit and same old graphics.

"We have this, and that, and some more..." Still, you could release all this shit as DLC (event one that we have to pay for!) to first L4D.

Wearing plastic glasses while playing games just to get some lousy 3D effect? No thanks.

@LordChris915: yeah, now he's just need to invent immortality :]

VOTE: Defraggler

Blurry, out of focus, creepy lightning - yeah, we all love iPhone pics :-/

Two snack rooms? They must smoke a lot of weed there ;)