Suck a Dick, Ed.
More like Mike Leech
Take a minor, irrelevant mistake and use it to defend racism: 2016 internet bigotry. Or something.
When did Clemson join the SEC?
Sigh... I know I’m going to wear this quote out, but it’s so damn good, and so damn relevant to this whole situation.
Seriously, I don’t remember anyone named Jesus on the Supreme Court when Loving v. Virginia (overturning ban on interracial marraiges at a time when God-fearing saps had it at about 20% approval) was handed down.
Yes! If we all just drank the invisible sky monster kool-aid, we could finally put this nonsense behind us.
How about if they all drank the critical thinking kool-aid? Where can I get enough of that to hose down all these assholes who have never even gotten a taste of what it feels like to be treated like a sub-human…
The worst part is that that terrible division will continue to be rammed down on our throats on Sunday and Monday Night Football.
Because “Antonio Brown” has like 7 guitar solos and Josh Norman just bought his first Squier Stratocaster 16 months ago and he’s still learning his scales. He can do “Big Me” by Foo Fighters, though.
if the Daily Show has taught me anything it’s that replacing a middle-aged man with someone named Trevor is going to be a disaster.
Haha like the sex fluid!
“Like I told Zeke this morning, don’t worry about any of this, they don’t make batteries domestically anymore”
- Emmitt Smith
Plus they stopped the Seahawks from possibly making their third SB in a row and for that we should all be grateful.
Its because he’s black
I gotta be honest, it’s stupid as shit but yeah, if I were a billionaire I’d build a 50 foot statue of myself overlooking everything. I’d put that shit on top of a building and have a deadman switch installed, so that when I kicked it, the statue would fall 80 stories and hopefully crush a bunch of people who came to…
Top 8 reasons white, middle-aged Panthers fans don’t like Cam Newton:
This food looks like a threat.
Slugfest for Game Boy? I’ll assume you just listed the only 5 sports games you’ve ever played, because that game was objectively terrible.
I feel like I’ve said all the things in the article at least 20 times when asked by bandwagoners why I’m not a fan of their beloved chickens.