Smurfette's dropkick

Six bucks? For a universal iOS app? Thats THIS pretty?! YES PLEASE.

How much of this was actually Edison's and how much of it did he steal from Tesla?

I'm sorry but using "Nobody famous was born" doesn't really make sense. Its not a huge thing when somebody famous is born, because they don't know they're going to be famous. Its probably like any other day where somebody is born. Poor form.

@TailsNZ: I read this entire thing in "Borat voice" since you didn't indicate a closing. I decided to do that with the rest of the comments under this one. I must say, all Giz comments need to be read in Borat Voice. It really kills the trolls.

Civ V FTW! Its my Thanksgiving ritual.

This will probably prevent me from seeing the movie.

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!

@dcdttu: By my understanding, when a program is set to Multitask, it is written into the flash memory, not the RAM.

Am I the only person who thought it would look cooler if he didn't have the rotation on?

@infmom: "Aw well, I'll just remember to do it monday." (Rinse, repeat)

@zenpoet: And on this day, Smurfette's dropkick remembered to never forget...

@zenpoet: Come on man, I'm from friggen North Dakota. I need SOMETHING to be proud of!

Wait, Kotaku has an office outside of New York? I kid, I kid, but honestly, thats pretty shweet. I bet it has a romantic backstory. Or a sadistic one.

Eh, if this was a REAL deal, MySpace would have just merged basically. All I need from Facebook to prevent me from even thinking of MySpace is their music. Give every MySpace band a Facebook page where we can listen to their music, follow tour dates, etc, and I'll never have to type myspace.com on my computer again.

Was it just me, or did the guy that this happened to look like the kind of guy who probably is sitting at the bar right now, bragging to everybody, and yelling "fuck you" to the bartender because there was too much foam in his beer?

Well thats a dick move.

@Drummertist v.3: You forgot "They... actually figgered out a way..."

#27 could be the Yellow battery like the one in the animated Green Lantern: First flight movie.

As much as I'm against violent protests, I must say I'm happy that they were able to get back online. It's their right.

Judging by the "classic" look of the gun, it could be a prequel-like game set in the earlier years of the Mass Effect plotline, you know, somewhere at the earliest discovery of this new technology?