
It’s not like dating an Eisenhower Republican, with whom you can have a spirited debate about the private sector, or the state government, building a dam.

When Lady Adolph, Rudy Fart-Sniffer, and MY DAD WAS A WAR HERO, all come out against you, where else do you go?  I mean, there are literally no other human piles of debris to excuse your awfulness.

This is not the most embarrassing thing that will happen to her today. It should be, but it won’t be. 

That gif is frightening.

She knows she’s not going to win re-election next year and is padding her CV for work on Fox. She only won by 546 votes.

I feel so much sadness for her, because she doesn’t know she had her childhood taken away, with the approval of her parents, for money.


they are not serious people. I wish they would stop being covered as serious political actors. 

Can I just pay money so she doesn’t come to my house?

Twat is underrated.

Do you think she refers to herself as Abuelita? I’d die.

Yes, they obviously know who you are, which is why they, probably, cackled themselves to sleep last night.

and the religion they bastardize!

He met her at Cedar Point. 

It’s so emblematic of modern evangelicalism. 

That documentary was so uncomfortable to watch. It’s amazing the contortions people will put themselves through when there’s money to be made. The man, literally, chose money of the physical safety of his child, then presents himself as the victim.

Pro-life came around because people would stand outside abortion clinics with “pictures” of “aborted babies.” They re-branded with, “Life: what a beautiful choice.” It was very effective, until pregnant people kept dying because of lack of access to abortion.

Rudy charged Individual 1 20K per day to represent him, but Orange never paid?

John Brown?

It was probably for Dr. T and the Women. But yes, you are 100% right.