His music is pretty well regarded. It might not work for you but it’s difficult to argue that it isn’t another feather in his humongous feather covered cap.
His music is pretty well regarded. It might not work for you but it’s difficult to argue that it isn’t another feather in his humongous feather covered cap.
Come on, “I do not understand the venom towards this movie,” was right there!
He heard there were these things called “black holes” and started thinking those holes were getting uppity.
Lol shut the fuck up
The one Morty wanted Incest Porn to be more accepted. The Wishing Portal strikes for a second time!
That was a dumb thing you said, son.
Is internet porn now so ubiquitous and watched by so many that it’s now literally impossible for us to keep it from spilling over into other areas of our lives?
This is all fine and good, but was any of this shit really a milestone?
The Emmys, like all these other shitty awards shows, have always been a masturbation session for the entertainment industry.
Everything about this take is wrong.
I think I haven’t seen TV be as ambitious and pulling it off as successfully as this season since the third season of Community (maybe Legion).
Rumor is that they have ridges on both heads.
Because they’re not filming this series in the 60s.
Oh ho, look at Mr. Fancypants with his extra penis.
Honestly, who the hell said that “old Taylor can’t come to the phone” line would be a good idea?
He’s nmad if he thinks anyone will play Damn backwards.
the least important thing is your face homie
I warned you to prepare! I told you I was pissed about KINJA but NOOOOOOO you wouldn’t listen.
Flip the $999 price upside down and all will be revealed.
Kanye, John Mayer, Tom Hiddleston, Joe Jonas, The Hound...