
Ok was anyone else thrown off by the town named “East Palestine”?

And now China knows they can (still) completely panic the entire leadership by spending and doing almost nothing.

It would not be the first example of lithium batteries spontaneously combusting. Give YouTube a browse for videos of peoples phones exploding suddenly in their pockets for no reason, its essentially the same type of battery.

As I understand, when ICE cars were first introduced, the hysteria was even greater. “Can the human body even withstand going this fast!?” (40mph)

Where are your numbers?

“It sends data directly to the Chinese government.”

$1.7M a month? On what? What massive expenditures does a social media website have that run to tens of thousands of dollars per day? Ive worked in high-tech labs with bleeding-edge analytical machinery that filled whole rooms, and required thousands of dollars worth of liquid nitrogen per day just to keep switched on


Look I just cant with multiverse.

On the one hand, it sounds embarrassing for him, and also that some of his followers were repulsed.

Lets sell the US domestic firearm industry to Elon.

Elon Musk.

I think this is merely an issue of semantics rather than bad vaccine opinion.

<gear shift sound>

What is this? “How much hippocracy can you spot in 5minutes”?

Oh look, the worst idea in the world.

How did you get that picture of Elon jumping out of bed in the morning?

You are both correct.

I mean, whats he gonna do? Fire them harder?

A movie where Elon Musk is shown to be a supernatural mischief demon hell-bent on ending the world, not in fire, but in a thousand tiny annoying cuts.